A big surprise at Southport Little Theatre!

Heritage Open Day
Come and join us for a free walking tour of Southport Little Theatre where surprises lurk back stage!
As part of the national Heritage Open Day, The Little Theatre, Southport will have its doors open on Saturday 9 September and you are invited to come along and have a backstage tour of all the places you don’t normally get to see.
There’s the props, back stage, lighting and sound departments to name a few.
We’re going to be open from 1-4pm and we’re taking bookings to make sure you get your place. There’s no charge.
Our tours will be starting at 1pm and run every half hour until 4pm, this being the last one. Each tour lasts approximately 1hr 15mins.
You are welcome to just turn up on the day and we’ll do our best to accommodate you, but we cant always guarantee a place for you.
To book your place please contact us at marketing@littletheatresouthport.co.uk with:
- your name
- the time you would like to come
- how many places you would like to book and
- a contact number in case we need to contact you for any reason
We’ll confirm this for you by email.