The Alastair Hewitt Play Writing Competition 2023

Alistair Hewitt
Alistair Hewitt was a talented actor, creative director, a witty and thought-provoking playwright, an inspirational drama teacher and a kind, caring friend. His plays, ‘Spending Frank’, ‘Tales from the Melling Road’ and ‘The Dangers of Tobacco’ are observant and humorous. A modest, gentle man, Alistair never lost his fascination of humanity, or his warm, sense of fun! The Southport Dramatic Club was fortunate that he agreed to be our Chairman for the 2012-13 Season. He died suddenly, way too young in the Autumn of 2013 and is still greatly missed by everyone lucky enough to meet him. Always interested in encouraging talent, it seemed fitting that the SDC’s Play Writing Competition included his name. The Club is therefore delighted that Alistair’s wife, Ann, and loving family have agreed that this competition can be held in Alistair’s memory.
Southport Dramatic Club are launching a new play-writing competition. Submissions are welcome and will be judged by an independent panel. The winning play, which will be considered for possible inclusion in the 2024-25 season for the SDC, may be on any theme and should have a running length of no more than 2 hours (full-length plays) or 60 minutes (one-act plays).
Full details, including the competition rules, entry fees, and an entry form can be requested from the Play Selection and Casting Team using the link below. The closing date for submissions, is Friday 3rd November 2023.
Entry forms are available from the Play Selection and Casting Committee by e-mailing or you can download, print and complete a form using the link below.
Entry form and competition rules